Labor For Learning

Hello world,

Labor Day is today or labor for learning day. It is a national holiday and one that we have earned through years of struggles with unions and bosses. Is patriotism out the door because of stress and fatigue on the working class? Finally, many of us have the day off but we are so tired we can’t even reflect on what the day means. Instead we go shopping, attend the barbecues and get our last day at the beach. Labor Day is not about remembering why we have this holiday. Many American workers are so stressed they are just glad they have the day off. Is it then time for the unions to seek a four day work week? Is five days causing too much stress for the working poor? Not wishing to add to your stress (if you have any), I will keep this blog short and show you some images I captured around New York City on this Labor Day. These pictures are taken with my Blackberry as it is quicker to upload them to WordPress on my phone. Watch for announcement of my my new photography book.

Please sign up for my blog and please share your comments on my articles. You will notice that this blog has very few articles on photography and videography. That is because I like to comment on current events or hot topics. Have a great Labor Day. Remember if you are in New York City, Eastern Parkway is a must for the West Indian American Day Parade. Tomorrow I will address back to school issues. Cease from your labors today. You deserve the day off.